Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Woolly-thinker's guide to rhetoric

This is from Butterflies and Wheels via Jeffrey Ricker at PESTS. It is a tongue-in-the-cheek guide to using rhetoric to amuse and confuse. A fuller description of each tactic can be found here at Butterflies and Wheels.

The Woolly-Thinker's Guide to Rhetoric

* Be Courageous
* Be dismissive
* Cheers and catcalls
* Claiming is Succeeding
* Clumsy sarcasm
* Define words in your own special way
* Develop sudden hearing loss
* Do a Procrustes
* Embrace contradiction
* Emotional Blackmail
* Evasive Tactics
* Fly under the radar
* Go Ahead, Contradict Yourself
* Histrionics
* Imply
* Mention the Armchair
* Moral One-upmanship
* Pat yourself on the back
* Pave With Good Intentions
* Play the theory card
* Pretend to be amused
* Repetition
* Say the methodology was flawed
* Say the outcome was predictable
* Translate
* Translate Even More When the Subject is Religion
* Use 'Obscure' as a First Name
* Use obscurity

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